TORLYS Appoints Western Sales Director
Andrew Davis broadens role to lead sales & insurance.
TORONTO, ON – October 2023 – TORLYS, a global flooring company specializing in beautiful, responsible flooring solutions, today announced the expanded role of Andrew Davis to Director of Sales (Western Canada), Business Development, Insurance, to help drive the company’s continued success.
In addition to driving the development of TORLYS’ ever-growing Insurance channel, Davis will now assume sales leadership responsibilities for Western Canada. This shift and widened duties allow TORLYS to broaden the multi-channel foundation on which the business was built on.
“We are excited for Andrew to be at the helm of the Western sales team along with the insurance channel for us,” said Thomas Hobbis VP Canadian Dealer Sales. “He has demonstrated his ability to be an agile leader where he continues to add significant team value to our business.”
In four years with TORLYS, Davis has proven his ambidextrous sales/business skills and extensive “rolodex” developing various new opportunities for TORLYS in the builder, property management, and insurance departments. Considered an expert in the flooring world, Andrew is backed by more than 25 years’ experience in the building materials industry where he served in several upper management roles.
TORLYS has been creating and delivering innovative flooring solutions to homeowners, builders, and property managers, using the latest technologies for 35 years and counting.
For further information: Leah Robinson, Digital Marketing & Communications Manager
Email: Leah.Robinson@torlys.com Phone: 905-696-2399