TORLYS Bulldog is Your Floors Best Friend!
There’s nothing more disheartening than seeing something you’ve invested in getting damaged. Damages to flooring can happen at any time and the replacement costs can be extremely price. It’s especially frustrating if you need to replace the flooring in an entire room due to just a few planks being damaged.
At TORLYS, we believe that you shouldn’t have to break the bank to replace a few planks. Thankfully, you won’t have to ever worry about this nightmare scenario if you choose a TORLYS Smart Floor* as they can be quickly and easily repaired using TORLYS Bulldog.
A Floor’s Best Friend
The TORLYS Bulldog™ Easy Plank Replacer is a unique innovation that is exclusive to TORLYS and allows you to replace a single damaged TORLYS Smart Floor plank easily and quickly.
TORLYS Bulldog™ Easy Plank Replacer allows you to:
- Fix damage quickly and easily.
- Replace a damaged plank, not your entire floor without the use of glue or nails.
- Can do the replacement without removing furniture or baseboards.
- No cutting, no dust, no mess.
- Renew your floor without sanding or refinishing.
Easy to Use!
The Bulldog™ Easy Plank Replacer tool is designed to allow you to remove a single plank of flooring at a time and replace it with a new one. If you have no more flooring left over, you can always remove a hidden plank from under a bed or sofa and use it in place of the damaged plank.
The best part about the Bulldog is that virtually anyone can learn how to use it! You won’t need to hire someone else to do it, you can put on your DIY hat and replace your own floors! Watch our Bulldog video on YouTube and see the tool in action in our viral TikTok.
Interested in getting your hands on the Bulldog tool? Order a Bulldog for your Smart Floor through a trusted TORLYS dealer near you.