It’s IDS Week! Come See Us at Booth #732
We’re kicking off our 2020 events tour at the Interior Design Show this week (Jan. 16 – 19) at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto. Visit us at Booth #732 where our dedicated sales and technical builder teams will be happy to share expert insights on the latest flooring trends.
In keeping with the show’s theme of looking back at history and ahead to the future, TORLYS will showcase a variety of our popular longstanding collections, as well as the newest selections of modern, high-performance flooring.
The inspiration for this year’s booth is our best-in-class Colossia laminate line; featuring beautiful contemporary oak designs in extra wide and long planks. Have a seat under our captivating water display for a perfect view of this collection, as well as our stunning EverTile Elite flooring.
Trade visitors, be sure to scan your business card for a chance to win a $400 Mirvish Theatre Gift card! If you’re there on consumer days and intrigued by our flooring designs, be sure to take advantage of our $100 manufacturer’s rebate coupon, offered exclusively at IDS towards the purchase of TORLYS flooring during January 20th and April 30th, 2020.
We look forward to meeting you and sharing in this design experience together!